Public Relations and Protocol Directorate

  1. develops a program to present the activities of the Ministry, ensures the implementation of the information policy of the Ministry by planning and coordinating its implementation;
  2. organizes information campaigns for preliminary presentation of drafts of regulatory acts, prepared by the Ministry;
  3. analyzes and systematizes the publications in the mass media of the public opinion about the activities of the Ministry;
  4. ensures transparency and publicity of the activity of the Ministry;
  5. maintains the official Internet site of the Ministry;
  6. organizes the public appearances and presentations of the Minister and the members of the political cabinet;
  7. establishes and maintains contacts with embassies of foreign countries in the Republic of Bulgaria and with the representations of leading associations, organizations and financial institutions for the purposes of arrangement of protocol and business meetings with the management of the Ministry;
  8. coordinates and supervises the organization, the conduct and the protocol procedures and rules of formal and working meetings, seminars, discussions and round tables at the Ministry;
  9. prepares and sends greetings and condolences telegrams, greeting addresses and other protocol correspondence of the Minister.